Supporting the Science Education of Children Who Will Play Active Roles in the Future
Fujieda Science Education Support Project
In recent years, international comparative studies addressing academic ability and awareness of scientific subjects have identified a drift away from science in developed countries. Japan is no exception to this trend. This raises the concern that Japan’s strengths in manufacturing and innovation will be endangered.
In response to this situation, we have launched the “Fujieda City Science Education Support Project” as a support activity for “science teachers,” who are professionals in the field of education, in the hope that they will learn directly about the significance and role of science in the real world and pass it on to the children who will lead Japan in the future. The project is being implemented in Fujieda City, where the Shizuoka Plant is located, as a model district. Since fiscal 2009, we have been taking the lead in providing support for the education of the next-generation as part of an industry-government-academia partnership for junior high school science teachers in cooperation with other companies operating production plants in and around Fujieda City, Shizuoka Prefecture, and have received high praise from local government and school officials.
Here we introduce recent main activities.
Science Education Workshop — January 2024
In fiscal 2023, we held an on-site factory tour for the first time in four years with the cooperation of Mitsui Norin Co., Ltd.
During the factory tour, participants learned about black tea, the main product of the factory, including characteristics on black tea production areas, characteristics of tea varieties, the production process, efforts to maintain quality and reduce environmental impact, and scientific information on taste, aroma, and polyphenols, while sampling different types of black teas.
Participating teachers gave feedback such as: “I learned a lot about the color change of black tea due to oxidation and how to experience its taste and aroma. I will be able to incorporate this information into my teaching.”
![]() Factory tour at Mitsui Norin Co., Ltd. |
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Fujieda Science Education Support Project
In recent years, international comparative studies addressing academic ability and awareness of scientific subjects have identified a drift away from science in developed countries. Japan is no exception to this trend. This raises the concern that Japan’s strengths in manufacturing and innovation will be endangered.
In order to address this situation, Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. launched the "Fujieda Science Education Support Project" in 2009 to support science teachers, who are true education professionals, in cooperation with a company that has a factory in Fujieda City through industry-government-academia collaboration.
Here we introduce recent main activities.
Science Education Workshop — 2023
In fiscal 2022, we held an online factory tour with the cooperation of Sumitomo Forestry Crest Co., Ltd., showcasing the manufacturing process of products like decorative sheets and storage furniture, outlining our SDG initiatives, and highlighting the benefits of wood. Participating teachers gave feedback such as: “I learned so much and gained a lot of knowledge for myself, and I hope to teach this information to children.”
![]() An online factory tour |
![]() Assembly at a plant |
![]() Sumitomo Forestry Crest, Shizuoka Plant |
Science Education Workshop — 2022
In fiscal 2021, we obtained the cooperation of Tsumura & Co., and held an online factory tour for the first time to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, introducing the manufacturing process of pharmaceuticals and herbal medicines, automation technologies, and SDG initiatives. A participating teacher commented, “I hope to use what I saw and learned in my classes to teach my students.”

An online factory tour

Science Education Workshop — January 2020
In January 2020, the 11th Fujieda City Science Education Support Project was held at Kaken Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.’s Shizuoka Plant. A lively exchange was held among a large number of participants that included not only science teachers from public junior high schools in Fujieda City, but also staff from the Education Department and Industrial Promotion Department of Fujieda City as well as employees from companies located in Fujieda City. Kaken Pharmaceutical introduced participants to the agrochemicals that are one major pillar of its business by combining together accurate information and practical demonstrations concerning their roles, effects, risks, and safety.

Scene of a lecture conducted in the conference room

An experiment

An experiment

An experiment
Science Education Workshop — 2019
On January 18, 2019, the 10th Fujieda City Science Education Support Project was held at Sumitomo Bakelite’s Shizuoka Plant. As with previous years, a lively exchange was held among a large number of participants that included not only science teachers from public junior high schools in Fujieda City, but also staff from the Education Department and Industrial Promotion Department of Fujieda City as well as employees from companies located in Fujieda City. Our company introduced how our plastic products are used, with a focus on automotive products, our SDG initiatives and activities aimed at reducing environmental impact, and the biodiversity of our biotope.
The principal in charge of the event commented, “The passion of the teachers involved in preparing the classes, which provided our students with the opportunity to conduct eye-opening experiments, was greatly impacted by the cooperation and support that we have received from our local corporations such as we have seen today.”

Scene of a lecture conducted in the conference room

Automobile Solution Gallery Showroom
Science Education Workshop — 2018
On January 19, 2018, the 9th Fujieda City Science Education Support Project was held in the Tokai Plant of Meiji Corporation. As with previous years, the event drew a large number of participants that included not only science teachers from public junior high schools in Fujieda City, but also staff from the Education Department and Industrial Promotion Department of Fujieda City as well as employees from companies located in Fujieda City. Meiji Corporation gave a presentation on chocolate and explained the botany of cacao beans and the characteristics of oils used in chocolate, among other topics.
The principal in charge of the event commented, “Science education at the junior high school level has recently shifted to science in our everyday lives. This event carries with it great help and meaning for educators today. I sincerely appreciate the support we received from our corporate sponsors.”

Tokai Plant of Meiji Corporation

Presentation on chocolate
Science Education Workshop — 2017
On January 20, 2017, the 8th Fujieda City Science Education Support Project was held at the Tsuiji Plant of Murakami Corporation. As with previous years, the event drew a large number of participants that included not only science teachers from public junior high schools in Fujieda City, but also staff from the Education Department and Industrial Promotion Department of Fujieda City as well as employees from companies located in Fujieda City.
During the networking event, participants took part in a lecture about optical reflection and a tour of the automobile rear-view mirror manufacturing facility at Murakami Corporation. Feedback from science teachers included, "I learned about the principles of science utilized in everyday products," "I learned about innovations for improving productivity," and "I can use what I learned not only during science classes but also comprehensive studies classes, too."

The 8th Fujieda City Science Education Support Project

Automobile rear-view mirror
Science Education Workshop — 2016
We are taking the lead in providing support for the education of the next generation as part of an industry-government-academia partnership in cooperation with other companies with production plants located in and around Fujieda City.
The Fujieda City Science Education Support Project, which, being a long-term project, is uncommon in Japan, was held for a seventh year in fiscal 2015. The aim of the project is to communicate to junior high school science teachers about how science-based technology is used in familiar industries so that they can use the knowledge to stimulate students’ interest in science through classes and school counselling.
In a survey of participating science teachers at a networking event, 90% of teachers were able to obtain useful information for their classes

Participants of the seventh science teacher networking event tasting different types of tea (at Mitsui Norin Co., Ltd.)
Science Education Workshop — 2015
In January 2015, we held the sixth Fujieda Science Education Workshop at the Fujieda plant of Chugai Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
The presentation focused on how the scientific method is used in drug development, production, quality control and other processes. Participants were able to enhance their understanding by visiting the state-of-the-art factory.
The workshop gained media coverage. Shizuoka Shimbun featured an article about the workshop in its January 17, 2015 issue. The workshop was also mentioned in the newsletter of Fujieda City.

Discussion by panelists draen from industry, academia and government

Participants in front of Chugai Pharmaceutical Manufacturing’s state-of-the-art plant
(Participating companies: Chugai Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Meiji Co., Ltd., Murakami Corporation, Nitivy Co., Ltd., Mochida Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Mitsui Norin Co., Ltd., Bathclin Corporation, Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd.
Science Education Workshop — 2014
The first workshop was held in 2009 at Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd.. At that time, the workshop was targented for about ten teachers who were members of the Fujieda Science Department Supervisor's Association at the time. Thanks to the efforts of the Director of the Science Department, participation expanded to teachers other than Supervisors from the second year. Now, four years on, it has grown to include nearly all of the science teachers at the ten junior high schools in Fujieda (about 30 teachers). To mark the occasion of the fifth workshop, it was held at Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. again.
Factory Tour

Phenolic molding compounds manufacturing plant

Phenolic resin molded product manufacturing plant

Automotive solutions gallery
Introducing Advanced Technology
We presented a lecture on genetics with a simple experiment using DNA chips showing what you can learn about a person by examining their genes.

Lecture Content
- Basic knowledge of genetics (including topics such as iPS cells)
- Current genetic testing, and future expectations
- Introduction of a test method using DNA chips
Experiment Content
- Demonstration of DNA testing for alcohol resistance using the Hibri Sensei simple genetic measurement kit
- Demonstration of sampling and DNA chip fabrication
Science Class Study Group— 2013
We held a science class study group at Hanashi Junior High School in Fujieda. Takushi Kamiya of the Plastic Waste Management Institute gave a lecture on recycling plastic and performed an experiment. In addition, Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. provided a large lens for a mock lesson on the refrection of light by teachers from Hanashi Junior High School, which was received with much delight.

Lecture on recycling plastic

The lenses used in the lesson
(Large: Provided by Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd., Small: Magnifying glass used for reference)