Environmental Policy
We will be actively engaging in responsible care and enhancing corporate value by ensuring “Environment, Health and Safety,” and continuously improve and advance our initiatives with the view to contributing to the development of a society that meets the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
- We will be taking part in the GX League* to achieve the Japanese government’s goal of reaching carbon neutrality by 2050. We will also be setting group-wide goals in line with international targets based on scientific evidence-to achieve these goals, we will be promoting activities throughout the entire group, both in Japan and overseas, to “enhance energy efficiency through comprehensive energy conservation” and “expand the roll-out of renewable energy.” In addition to reducing our own CO2 emissions, we have also set out targets for reducing emissions throughout the entire supply chain related to our Group’s business activities.
* A forum of a group of companies pursuing GX (Green Transformation) to engage in discussions and create markets to transform the economy and society - To achieve plastic resource recycling and tackle problems associated with plastic waste, we will be working to reduce waste by minimizing and streamlining the use of resources, and seeking faster roll-out of new solutions related to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (3R) + Renewable (sustainable resources).
- We will be strengthening our management of chemical substances system to ensure the environment and the health and safety of people throughout product life cycles, and ensure ongoing improvements for product stewardship.
- We are promoting environmental conservation (preventing air, water, and soil pollution, and limiting noises, vibration, etc.) by lowering the environmental impact of our business activities and ensuring proper management of chemical substances.
- We consider biodiversity conservation as one of our material issues, and promote conservation activities with a focus on biotope-related activities that are closely connected to local communities. We will also continue engaging in dialogue with local communities through visiting guest lessons and biotopes, with the goal of disseminating the importance of biodiversity conservation throughout society.
- We recognize the importance of our limited and valuable water resources, and moving ahead with sustainable use of water resources by reducing consumption through appropriate management and efficient use.
Scope of Application: All sites of the Sumitomo Bakelite Group
Environmental Management Structure
We solve social issues and aim to achieve sustainable growth and value creation under a structure comprising our Sustainability Promotion Committee (which is chaired by the President) and its subcommittees based on our Business Philosophy, which upholds the Sumitomo Business Philosophy (Basic policy) and sets forth our management principles.
Environmental management involves running responsible care activities for voluntarily implementing and improving environmental and safety measures, in line with our Group’s Policy on Responsible Care Activities.
Ensuring that measures are in place toward achieving carbon neutrality is deemed essential these days. To this end, the Carbon Neutrality (CN) Promotion Committee, which also encompasses the “Life Cycle Subcommittee” and the “CN Technology Deliberation Subcommittee,” was established to strengthen and promote CN initiatives in the relevant sectors throughout the Sumitomo Bakelite Group.

- * The above system diagram is only an excerpt of our committees related to environmental management. See for details. Sustainability Promotion System
Activities of the Carbon Neutrality Promotion Committee
After the announcement by the government of its 2050 Carbon Neutral Declaration and 2030 targets, our Group revised its plans as mid- to long-term targets, and has now set the following new targets to acquire SBTi certification.
• 2050 target: Taking on the carbon neutrality challenge
• 2030 target: Reducing GHG emissions by 48% or more (compared to fiscal 2021)
The Carbon Neutrality Promotion Committee recaps each year’s progress toward medium- to long-term environmental targets at the end of the fiscal year and determines the targets for the following fiscal year. It carries out its activities with the approval of the Sustainability Promotion Committee, which serves as its parent body. Two subcommittees were established within the committee in order to achieve its objectives, and these subcommittees work to reduce our environmental impact.
The Life Cycle Subcommittee aims to establish production systems with minimal environmental impacts through scientific, quantitative, and objective assessments of environmental impacts, from the R&D phase onward.
With the global trend toward achieving carbon neutrality, the approach to LCA (Life Cycle Assessment)—which assesses products over an extended period of time from their raw materials through to use and disposal—has become indispensable, and “LCA” has become a common term when engaging in dialogue with customers and suppliers.
In light of these circumstances, to provide an opportunity to learn about basic knowledge of the social background of LCA, the basics of LCA methods and the Sumitomo Bakelite Group’s initiatives, the “LCA Basics” e-learning course was arranged for the first time in FY2023 for employees under the jurisdiction of the head office, with 1,725 employees taking the course.
Each R&D department decides a theme and works on it with an awareness of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), from raw material extraction to final disposal (cradle to grave). In fiscal 2023, we worked toward the target of “retaining at least at 25% of all researchers” as qualified R&D personnel capable of understanding LCA and calculating the carbon footprint (CFP) of products. To this end, we organized LCA introductory courses, LCA training courses and LCA practice courses (comprehensive education and tutorials related to LCA) online, and maintained a target of 32% in fiscal 2023. Starting from fiscal 2023, guidance officers were also selected from qualified personnel for each location, to boost the level of LCA initiatives at each location. Starting from fiscal 2023, guidance officers were also selected from qualified personnel for each location, to boost the level of LCA initiatives at each location.
In addition, we also plan on establishing a system enabling us to speedily provide LCA information, from raw material extraction to factory gate (Cradle to Gate), on all of our Group’s products by the end of fiscal 2024, in response to the rapid increase in inquiries from customers regarding LCA since the Japanese government’s October 2020 net zero greenhouse gas emissions declaration. Initiatives in Japan achieved 93% of the target at the end of fiscal 2023 (92% of the plan). These initiatives will also be rolled out at overseas plans during fiscal 2024.
The CN Technology Review Subcommittee has established a system for continuously soliciting and implementing energy conservation ideas, and is promoting voluntary energy conservation activities at domestic sites.
In fiscal 2023, the subcommittee successfully reduced energy consumption by as much as 2,951 kL (114,369 GJ) in crude oil equivalent, or 5,696t-CO2, compared with fiscal 2021, primarily by reducing city gas and electricity consumption. Outside of Japan, the subcommittee worked to ensure a similar level of activities as in Japan and continued to promote the roll out of activity methods and best practices. Outside of Japan, the subcommittee worked to ensure a similar level of activities as in Japan and continued to promote the roll out of activity methods and best practices. Outside of Japan, the subcommittee worked to ensure a similar level of activities as in Japan and continued to promote the roll out of activity methods and best practices.
In fiscal 2023, in line with the objectives of the CN Promotion Committee, the CN Technology Deliberation Subcommittee will formulate a plan and work toward the most recent 2030 target. In terms of energy conservation, we will build upon past efforts to set energy conservation targets and also to complete our reduction plans for each business site. In particular, the subcommittee will focus on creating a system across business sites in Japan for sharing energy conservation practices and technical information related to energy conservation in order to improve the level of energy-saving technology throughout our Company; and having the mother plants in Japan provide technical support to their affiliated sites through a tie-up with the Company-wide Energy Conservation Secretariat.
Environmental Vision for 2050 (net zero)
Our Group relies upon the earth’s natural resources and energy in order to do business. However, doing business will generate garbage and air and water emissions. For this reason, we believe it is important for our Group to adhere to environmental laws and regulations, conduct business in an environmentally friendly manner, and engage in initiatives that reduce the environmental impact on the entire society through our products and services.
In line with the government’s 2050 Carbon Neutral Declaration and subsequent presentation of its target of reducing GHG by 46% or more (compared to fiscal 2013) by 2030, the Group set 2050 as our target for taking on the challenge of carbon neutrality, and 2030 for a 46% or more reduction in CO2 emissions (compared to fiscal 2013). In fiscal 2023, we have achieved a 48% reduction in CO2 emissions ahead of schedule. To acquire SBTi certification (standards equivalent to 1.5°C scenario targets), in February 2024, we made a commitment to develop targets and revised the targets as follows.
• 2050 target: Taking on the carbon neutrality challenge
• 2030 target: Reducing GHG emissions
“Scope 1+2: Reducing GHG emissions by 48% or more
(compared to fiscal 2021)”
“Scope 3: Reducing GHG emission by 25% or more
(compared to fiscal 2021)”
Taking on the Challenge of Zero GHG Emissions

- *1 Acronym for Material Flow Cost Accounting, an environmental management and accounting tool for companies to improve cost efficiency and reduce environmental impact at the same time. Our Group utilizes this method as an analysis tool.
Climate Change Program Efforts, TCFD Initiatives, and Participation in GX League
CDP*1 (headquartered in London) is an international NGO established in 2000 in partnership with institutional investors from around the world. It carries out projects in which it sends out questionnaires to major companies and municipal governments around the world on issues such as climate change, water security, and forests, and that seek climate change strategies and specific declarations related to emissions of greenhouse gases.
With the CDP’s 2023 survey, survey activities were conducted on behalf of 740 institutional investors with net invested assets totaling 136 trillion U.S. dollars. More than 23,000 companies disclose environmental data on their initiatives for climate change programs via the CDP.
From 2022, the number of companies in Japan requested to disclose their information on climate change was expanded to all companies (1,841) listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Upon responding to the CDP questionnaire for fiscal 2023, we received an A- rating for climate change and B rating for water security in February 2024. Having received requests for responses in fiscal 2024 regarding climate change and water security as well, we have responded.
The TCFD initiative, for which we expressed our agreement in February 2021, is introduced in [Information Disclosure Based on the TCFD recommendations (Response to Climate Change)].
As a new initiative, following our announcement of our support for the “GX League*2 Basic Concept” published by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in fiscal 2022, we became a participating company in the “GX League” in May 2023, and have set targets for the Sumitomo Bakelite Domestic Group and are working on the initiative.
Going forward, our Group will continue to proactively disclose information on the risks and opportunities associated with climate change and fulfill its responsibility to account to all stakeholders.
We will move forward with environmental information disclosure as we contribute to the response to climate change through reduction of environmental impact, resource and energy conservation, management of chemical substances, and development of products that contribute to the environment.
- *1 CDP: Formerly “The Carbon Disclosure Project”. “CDP” is now the official name.
- *2 GX League: Established as a forum for cooperation between a group of companies and the government, universities, and academic institutions in order to meet greenhouse gas reduction targets and increase industrial competitiveness by using Japan’s goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 as an opportunity for economic growth.
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