Approach to Contributing to SDGs

Our Group conducts efforts on SDGs under an understanding that SDG efforts, societal needs, and our Company’s business objectives / Business Philosophy (Company Policy) are roughly equally interconnected. We believe that the SDGs together serve as one of the points of reference that will show us the direction in which our Group should move as a plastics manufacturer. The SDGs consists of 17 goals and 169 specific targets for achieving those goals. We have designated “6+1” as our priority area targets in which we can make the most of our business fields and strengths. We have identified the Creation of Environmental and Social Values as a key management issue for the promotion of sustainability, and are working to contribute to the SDGs as part of this effort. Our Group has been accrediting products, technologies, and activities that contribute to the SDGs as SDG-contributing products, SDG-contributing technologies, and SDG-contributing activities. Certification is granted by the SDG Promotion Committee, subject to approval by the Sustainability Promotion Committee, upon meeting the assessment criteria: the target must be appropriately selected, and a concrete explanation of contributions must be provided, including objective figures based on actual data or publicly disclosed information. As a result, the ratio of SDG-contributing products in sales revenue is increasing every year.
Certification Process, Results, and Targets for SDG-contributing Products, Technologies, and Activities
Since fiscal 2018, our Company Group has been accrediting products, technologies, and activities that contribute to the SDGs as SDG-contributing products, SDG-contributing technologies, and SDG-contributing activities.
Products Eligible for Certification
Certification is intended for products that meet one or more of the following certification requirements ((1) - (8)).
Our Group’s priority SDGs
- (1)G oal 3: The product promotes health and welfare
- (2) Goal 7: The product contributes to improving energy efficiency and implementing new forms of energy (including energy storage)
- (3) Goal 8: The product contributes to achieving job satisfaction and economic growth
- (4) Goal 9: The product contributes to expanding environmentally friendly technologies, and to the foundation of industry and technological innovation
- (5) Goal 12: The product contributes to reducing waste (including food waste) and harmful substances, contributes to reducing environmental impact, and contributes to the realization of recycling and resource saving
- (6) Goal 13: Measures against climate change, and things that help strengthen adaptive capacity to climatic and natural disasters
- (7) Goal 14: The product contributes to the conservation and utilization of marine resources and to the prevention and reduction of marine pollution
- (8) The product contributes to the achievement of one or more of the 17 SDGs other than Goals 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, and 14 listed above.
Fiscal 2023 Results
Sales revenue ¥177.8 billion Sales ratio61.9%
Fiscal 2030 sales ratio70% or more
Certification Process
Items reviewed and assessment criteria
- Concrete explanation of contributions: Presented through objective figures based on actual data or publicly disclosed information
- Targets for contributing to SDGs: Selected appropriately

Sales revenue from products and technologies contributing to SDGs (consolidated)

Newly-certified SDG-contributing Product
Buffer coat material for power semiconductors

Until now, negative tone buffer coating material have been used as insulating protective films for power semiconductors, and an organic solvent developer has been used for this. By improving adhesion with the substrate, which was a problem with positive tone buffer coating material, and solving outgassing generation, it has become possible to use positive tone buffer coating material for power semiconductors. By using this product, it is possible to replace the organic solvent developer with an alkaline aqueous solution, contributing to a reduction in the release of chemical substances.
Reduce chemical emissions
Typical SDG-contributing Products
Polycarbonate sheets with heat ray cutoff capabilities

The heat ray reflection grade of Polica Ace® has a special heat ray reflective filler embedded into the polycarbonate layer to achieve an even higher heat ray cutoff effect than the conventional heat-absorbing grade. (heat ray cutoff rate of 79%).
The heat ray cutoff effect reduces heat at the bottom of the plate, contributing to energy saving and comfort. The panels also come in glossy silver tone, making them a wide range of applications.
Environmentally sound technologies
Strengthen adaptive capacity to climatic and natural disasters
Climate change countermeasures
Liquid epoxy resin for power modules

By replacing conventional silicone gels with this product for sealing power modules (case type), the high heat resistance and low linear expansion coefficient of the material reduces stress on joining materials at room temperature to high temperatures, contributing to improving the long-term reliability of power modules.
Improve energy efficiency
Environmentally sound technologies
Climate change countermeasures
Ileus tube series

This product is used to decompress and create suction in the intestinal tract via a tube inserted through the nose or anus for ileus (narrowing or obstruction of the intestinal tract). Improvement resulting from its use is seen especiall in the initial treatment of early stage ileus.
By significantly reducing the rate of transition from conservative treatment to surgical surgery compared to when not in use, it contributes to the rehabilitation of patients and the improvement of their quality of life.
Sustain per capita economic growth
Anchor for solar panel with integrated waterproof sheet

These waterproof anchors can be installed after waterproofing work has been performed, simplifying installation. Integration of anchors with sheets ensures high reliability of waterproofing, with the same guarantee period and long-term fixation strength as the sheet waterproofing, and more than twice the strength of the solar panel power generation guarantee. This contributes to improved reliability of solar panel installation and consequent power generation.
Strengthen adaptive capacity to climatic and natural disasters